This week I'm going to dive into a topic that really intrigues me. In elementary school, I was beyond blessed to have teachers early on who DRILLED us on math facts, and it was something that came pretty easily to me. Because of that, when it came time for long division, I was excited to move on to what I thought was such "grown-up math" (3rd grade me had apparently never heard of calculus and was oblivious to the pain it would bring me in undergrad) 😅 Division was one of those things that I just felt comfortable with, and when I started working in a school, I felt really prepared to work with kids on division. Little did I know that they use a funny strategy now called partial quotients using "friendly numbers." At first, I was super skeptical of this method of division. It seemed like another one of those math things that they're having kids now do in 10 steps when it only takes 5. I was frustrated at the time it took and felt it was unnecessary untii...